The war behind us
Don't be afraid of lightning
Even if you hear bricks falling
We are safe here in the camps
What a beautiful coat and what beautiful buttons
Don't think about these barrels
Even if you can't play the piano now
Your eyes inside broken glass
This nuisance is just pine needles
We will walk to warm up a little more
It's spring and time to count the flowers
Don't think about it, you'll go back to school
With other friends and you will have fun
Don't be afraid of lightning
Yes, you're right, it's not a storm
But it's still a storm
Of empty heads not to understand
No please now
No don't ask me why
You can't sleep in your bed
And Igor isn't here today
No come on please now
Don't ask me what the meaning is
No don't tremble come here
I hug you tight, listen yes
Now walk, I hold your hand and don't turn around
Now I'm walking, I'm holding your hand
We are far from your games
We are far from your books
But we are close to that border
Which will give us a summer
We are far from your colors
We are far from the bell tower
You'll see some across the border
Yes, even dad will see them
And I know you understand that it's a war
but you ask me what it is
You thought it was an act
For some film or cartoon
Now walk, I'll hold your hand and don't turn around
Now walk, I'll hold your hand
Your father is busy now
You'll see it comes later
Lengthen your stride make an effort
We're almost there, I can see the ditch
Why do you smile at what you think
Why do you turn around and what are you looking for
I understand you don't hear the bangs anymore
And some lights are distant
So I like you, do like the others
If I'm far away everything is ok
I still have two cookies toh
You are calmer now you will eat
Now walk, I'll hold your hand
La guerra vista da un'altra prospettiva..